Fulfilling Quality of Life

Executives and Employees
Executives and employees are among the key stakeholders of the organization, taken into consideration an important factor in driving the organization to achieve its business goals. As a leader in the airport services, AOT is aware of the constantly changing business context. Therefore, it aims to develop knowledge and expertise of personnel to maintain competitive advantages as well as determine to develop and attract high potential personnel along with embracing a wide variety of ideas of the employees in order to develop the organization continuously. In addition, AOT has focused on taking care of the employees through a welfare system that is based on the well-being and fair work condition to keep their engagement with the organization.
However, a job that is valuable and complimentary to life is important to the sustainability of the organization in terms of human resources development (employees and temporary employees). This includes attracting and motivating talented employees, providing them with physical well-being and good work condition as well as encouraging them to generate their various ideas.
Human Resource Development
Human resource development is a fundamental component of AOT's Corporate Plan (Fiscal Years 2017 - 2022), revised edition. The Human Resources Management Department is the primary responsible unit to operate activities according to the Human Resources Management and Development Master Plan for the fiscal years 2017 – 2022. The operation is divided into 3 main projects, which are Core Values Project, Knowledge Management (KM) Project and Core Competency and Functional Competency Project.

AOT’s Core Value Encouragement Project
AOT instills the organization's core values, consisting of 5 elements: Service Minded, Safety & Security, Teamwork, Innovation, and Integrity, through the core value promotion program for employees at all levels, ranging from the top management to operational employees. Employees at different levels will play different roles in driving AOT's core values.
Core Value Enhancement Project is organized into 2 formats:
Activities and Lectures
AOT Familiarization Project
A review of AOT Core Value for employees and provision of knowledge about desirable behaviors to new employees are held every year even in the epidemic situation of COVID-19. In 2021 these activities were held in an online platform instead.
The 5-Year Core Values and Corporate Culture Implementation Plan Seminar and Workshop
(Fiscal Years 2020-2024)
AOT’s President gave participants an opportunity to express their opinions to improve AOT Core Value Implementation Plan.
Values Direction
Senior executives at level 10 jointly analyzed the past performance and reviewed the appropriateness
of the 5 Core Values in line with the organization's direction and strategy.
Values in Action
Build a connection between AOT’s Core Value, with business direction and corporate strategy for AOT executives at level 9 (Change Leader) who possess the positions of Deputy General Managers of the airport
and Department Directors.
Values-Based Communication
Division Directors discussed work performance of the fiscal year 2021, to seek further improvement and report the results of the seminar to the top management.
AOT’s Core Value Influencer Networking Seminar
Build an understanding of roles and duties of the AOT’s “5 Jai” Core Value and establish a network among AOT Core Value Influencers.
Knowledge Management (KM) Project
AOT implements the Knowledge Management (KM) System project in accordance with the knowledge management process and the way of transferring knowledge to innovation management process. This is to link knowledge management and process improvement with innovation for AOT’s employees to develop and share knowledge systematically and efficiently.

Knowledge Management Model
Parties responsible for the knowledge management system project includes:
AOT Knowledge and Innovation Management Committee, AOT Knowledge Management Working Group, Human Resource Development Department, and Corporate Culture Development and Knowledge Management Division
Knowledge Management Organizational Structure

Knowledge Management Process

1. Define a subject or knowledge type (Define)
Define type of intellectual or required knowledge capital to meet the corporate strategy or work operation and find the Core Competency which is the knowledge that can make explicit diversity and competitive advantage.

2. Design or search for knowledge sources (Create)
Create intellectual capital or take benefits from existing components by advanced studying or internal knowledge sharing. New knowledge, however, could be obtained from external sources, benchmarking and success stories from others.

3. Capture Detailed Information (Capture)
Summarize and catch the main idea, then crystallize them to be knowledge bodies, systematically sourcing and retaining organizational knowledge, either explicit knowledge or tacit knowledge, to generate the organization’s knowledge capitals, which would be ready for organization-wide enhancement and leverage.

4. Knowledge Sharing and Exchanging (Share)
Sharing, exchanging, distributing, expanding, and transferring knowledge bodies can be proceeded through various means such as hosting knowledge-sharing seminars, on-the-job trainings, or other means that require an exchange or transfer of knowledge through virtual means via computer networks or electronic learnings, for instance.

5. Apply Knowledge into Practices (Use)
Apply and adapt knowledge bodies to generate benefits and results, thus achieving the creation of wisdom, and the expansion to enhance knowledge level and organizational competitiveness.
AOT develops and operates knowledge management system by focusing on the participation of personnel at all levels Including the creation and development of Community of Practice (CoP) groups and KM Facilitators to connect and disseminate knowledge that occurs inside and outside the organization and to collect knowledge in AOT's Knowledge Management System (KMS) for further development and improvement of internal operations.
Core Competency and Functional Competency of Employees
AOT develops personnel at all levels to be competent in the airport management, both operation and management functions, in accordance with air transport standards of domestic and international organizations such as the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), etc. AOT will conduct a core competency assessment of AOT employees and functional competency in order to Identify key areas that should be developed on an individual level and able to formulate human resource development plans efficiently.
Human resource development projects according to the potential of employees are divided into 4 main groups:
Airport Management Training
General Management Training
Functional & Operation Training
Soft Skills Training
The Airport Management Training Program can also be classified into four groups, according to different objectives, namely:
Airport Operations: AO
Target Group:
Level 1 - 4 Employees
- Promote awareness on the foundation of air transportation industry.
- Empower necessary skills for airport operations.
- Generate adaptive mindset to accommodate changing technologies
Junior Airport
Management (JAM)
Target Group:
Level 4 - 5 Employees
- Promote awareness on the responsibilities of entry-level management team.
- Foster knowledge and experience sharing for practical applications.
- Develop leadership and teamwork spirits.
Airport Management (IAM)
Target Group:
Level 5 - 6 Employees
- Cultivate ideas, visions, along with managerial skills for airport operations.
- Obtain understanding on modern-day airport management.
- Exchange knowledge and experience.
- Enhance marketing competency.
Senior Airport
Management (SAM)
Target Group:
Level 6 - 7 Employees
- Propagate airport management visions.
- Practice strategic planning and problem skills in an ever-changing situation.
- Exchange knowledge and experience to drive airport business towards excellency.

Other Training Programs
AOT provides human resource development courses and programs for specific expertise of each line of work, such as airport operations, management and general knowledge, executive competency development, good corporate governance, overseas training program, competent executive development and aviation personnel development course in collaboration with the Civil Aviation Training Center (CATC) which may be adjusted each year according to the needs of each line of work, etc.
Management Evaluation
AOT assigns the Talent Development Division of Executive Development Department, to monitor the results of personnel development continuously in order to be the direction for properly setting up training programs and competency development projects, and to review and develop Human Resource Management and Development Master Plan in the future. AOT monitors personnel development investments in the following areas: training budgets, number of courses or projects, average training hours per person per year, average cost of training per person per year, follow-up on the investment achievement based on Human Capital Return on Investment (HCROI) and the internal rotation rate of employees. These performance results are reported publicly in the Sustainable Development Report annually.
Talent Attraction and Employees Motivation
Realizing the importance of having competent personnel to support the corporate growth, AOT therefore has collaborated with the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) in developing a curriculum to nurture potential personnel in educational institutions, along with providing welfare and fringe benefits and good working conditions to attract potential employees to work with the organization in the long term. AOT evaluates the attracting result of personnel through each related issue such as personnel recruitment rate, personnel turnover rate (in overall and voluntary), rate of returning to work of personnel after maternity leave, etc. Also, AOT discloses the operating results in the Sustainable Development Report annually.
In addition, AOT has created incentives by giving employees the opportunity to be promoted in their fields according to their skill levels. All AOT employees are regularly got individual assessment from their superiors every year for job promotion and setting guidelines for their competency development.
Outstanding Employee Awards Ceremony
AOT presented the honorary Outstanding Employee Awards to three employees who adhered to AOT’s core values: con- ducting good deeds and creating benefits for AOT and our country. The three winners were:
Workplace Condition and Employee Wellbeing
AOT gives precedence to the well-being and working environment of employees, as the Employee Benefit and Relationship Division and the Medical Division are tasked with the implementation of medical and benefits policies for AOT permanent and temporary employees to promote inclusiveness among all by providing fringe benefits and medical services for better quality of life. The police also mention the assessment of implementation results and the revision of benefits to constantly address needs and satisfactions of all AOT personnel on a continuous basis.
Medical Benefits for Permanent and Temporary AOT Employees

Follow medical and health regulations as well as requirements and international medical standards

Perform risk management on medical services and define measurements as well as key indicators.

Standardize medical service efficiency and disease prevention for AOT permanent/temporary employees together with their families.

Develop a fringe benefit management system for AOT permanent/temporary employees.

Develop quality of life and work-life balance of AOT permanent/temporary employees together with their families.

Encourage and support fringe benefit management for AOT permanent/temporary employees.

Equip medical personnel with knowledge, skill, and team spirit, promoting principles, morals, and occupational ethics
Employee well-being program
- Medical benefits
- Annual medical check-up for AOT permanent/temporary employees
- Airport clinics, providing preliminary health check for AOT permanent/temporary employees and their family members.
- Seasonal influenza vaccination
- Scholarship grants for children of AOT permanent/temporary employees
- Sightseeing activities and youth camps during school holidays
- Mother’s rooms for employees inside the airport buildings
- Retirement preparation for employees aged 60 years old.
Retirement Preparation Program
The Retirement Preparation Program for AOT Employees is a seminar to provide knowledge on various topics concerning health, mentality and finance that retirees should know and have interest. This also includes questions and answers from knowledgeable and specialized speakers in such fields
Lecture topics include:
- Financial benefits of retirees
- Financial planning for peace of mind in retirement
- Retirement health care
- Better Retirement through Technology
AOT employees and temporary employees can express their opinions and complaints on work problems including various welfares through union representatives of each airport. The representatives of the union present the problems through the AOT Labor Relations Committee which consists of the chairman who is an outsider, 9 representatives of the employer, and 9 representatives from the AOT state enterprise labor union. The Committee is responsible for considering an improvement and solving problems in the process of labor relations between employers and employees, leading to the enhancement of employee’s engagement.
Project to enhance quality of life through welfare and appropriate benefits of AOT employees and employees
AOT enriches the quality of life with welfare and suitable benefits for AOT personnel by conducting online surveys on current welfare including additional welfare needs that are suitable for employees of different ages. The results will be evaluated and used as a guideline for improving and providing appropriate welfare. Also, the overall survey results and key issue resolutions will be disclosed in the Sustainable Development Report annually. The current benefits that AOT personnel receive include medical expense welfare, child tuition fee, child scholarship, child support, funeral expenses, staff uniform, expenses for business trip, provident fund, transportation for employees, employee housing welfare, welfare loans from external financial institutions in terms of increasing alternative welfare for AOT employees and temporary employees, adding a Freestyle Day Dress Code, adding a Recreation Room and other welfares.
Diversity and Inclusion
AOT respects the diversity and equality of employees regardless of gender, belief, religion, physical differences. AOT pays attention to those concerns and states in AOT's Good Corporate Governance Handbook (section of AOT Code of Conduct). In this regard, AOT requires employee diversity assessment through issues such as ratio of employee gender in each level and line of work, compensation difference ratio between genders, the returning and retention rate of employees after maternity leave, as well as the number of confirmed cases of discrimination complaints. AOT disclosed all details in the Sustainable Development Report every year.
AOT Wears Thai Costumes to Work
In 2021, AOT organized a contest under the "นุ่งไทยไปทำงาน" (literally translated as
"WearsThaitoWork") Project. with employees and employees participating in voting to find the winner of the 3 winners from airports in the north, central and southern regions.
(literally translated as #AOTWearsThaitoWork)



Last Updated: June, 21 2022