Community and Society

Airports of Thailand CSR Get to know us better AOT is committed to conducting its business responsibly according to sustainable development principles, aiming to play a significant role in the country’s economic development while building trust with stakeholders through ethical, transparent operations, quality service, and dedicated personnel development adhering to the core values of the…

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Human Rights

Customer Importance AOT’s business operations, throughout the entire value chain, may be at risk of human rights violations that negatively affect all stakeholders including business alliances, i.e., partners and contractors, staffs and employees, communities and societies, and customers. Potential violation concerns in terms of safety in life and health, employment conditions, discrimination and harassment, freedom…

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Cybersecurity & Privacy

Customer Business Alliance Regulatory agencies Employee Shareholders, Investors, and Securities Analysts Community and Society Mass Media and Online Media Importance The increasing use of digital technology to support service provision, corporate management, and airport operations has made information technology security, stability of use, and protection of privacy increasingly important. It is because, in the event…

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Occupational Health and Safety of Workers

Occupational health and safety Various activities from construction to airport operations rely on employees and business partners, e.g., contractors and partners. Therefore, good occupational health and environmental management is extremely important and directly affects valuable organizational resources. Without good occupational health and safety, accidents causing injuries and loss of employees and contractors may occur. It…

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Human Resource Development

AOT’s operation relies heavily on knowledgeable and capable human resources. To attract and empower these employees to perform at their highest potential, the organization must ensure the management of favorable employment conditions, the assessment and motivation of employees based on merit without discrimination, and the promotion of a good quality of life. These issues are…

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Safety and Security

AOT is committed to providing high-quality services that prioritize safety while also generating sustainable revenue. This translation emphasizes AOT’s dedication to excellence and its balanced approach to airport management. Safety and security at airports are crucial issues that AOT is committed to addressing in accordance with state laws, regulations, and requirements, and in alignment with…

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