Human Rights

Reduced Inequalities
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Business Partners

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AOT Employees

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Shareholders, Investors, and Securities Analysts

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Communitie and Societies

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Mass Media and Online Media

AOT's business operations, throughout the entire value chain, may be at risk of human rights violations that negatively affect all stakeholders including business alliances, i.e., partners and contractors, staffs and employees, communities and societies, and customers. Potential violation concerns in terms of safety in life and health, employment conditions, discrimination and harassment, freedom of association, privacy, etc., are watched by regulators, mass media, and investors. Therefore, AOT places importance on human rights agenda by promoting knowledge and creating awareness, this leads to the prevention and avoidance of human rights violations throughout the value chain.


AOT operates its business in accordance with the Human Rights Policy being announced in 2018 which is consistent with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), Core International Human Rights Treaties, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles on Business and Human Rights, Principles to protect, respect and remedy for the impacts of human rights violations or Ruggie's Framework, Sustainable Business Partners Guidelines and AOT Code of Conduct which are applicable throughout the organization. AOT's human rights policy covers all rights of AOT’s employees, business partners, customers, communities, and the environment. Details of the policy comprise respecting the law and other related rules, and promoting hearing process, channels for receiving complaints along with a complaint management system and remedy measures in case human rights violation occurs.


Employee Rights

The right to fair and reasonable employment conditions by taking into account employee health and safety without discrimination of any kind while respecting freedom of association and collective bargaining


Community and Environmental Rights

The right to an adequate standard of living, health and community safety through environmental management to minimize impact on communities

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Rights of Partners in a Business Relationship

The right to fair treatment by taking into account laborers’ health and safety. prevention of illegal labor prevention, and consistent operational monitoring


Customer Rights

The right to customer health, safety and well-being without discrimination of any kind while maintaining customer privacy

Management Approach

AOT persists to respect and prevent fundamental human rights violations of all AOT stakeholders (customers, community and society, business alliances, including partners and alliances, and AOT employees). The fundamental human rights issues that AOT gives importance are human trafficking, forced labor and child labor, discrimination, collective bargaining, and equal remuneration. Additionally, there are other fundamental human rights issues that AOT has continually prioritized and managed, including safety and healthy working environment, decent work conditions, good quality of life, etc.

Human Rights Due Diligence

AOT provided human rights management through the Human Rights Due Diligence process to assess human rights risks and formulated the essential human rights management measures of the organization as well as determining complaints or suggestions submission channels on human rights to be accessible by all sectors, with details as follows:


reference: UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

AOT's Risk and Human Rights Impact Assessment

       AOT’s Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessment is comprised of the following four steps:



Identifying the human
rights topics

To review human rights topics considered as material in the value chain of AOT which is related to stakeholders from reliable human rights sources, industrial sources,and internal expert resources.

Human rights risk assessment

To assess various risks by using indicators of violence levels and impact opportunities while taking into consideration inherent risk and residual risk after the current mitigation measures have been taken.



Creating a risk register

To identify additional mitigation measures for human rights with high potential risks after the issuance of mitigation measures and to regularly monitor operational progress.

Identifying the human
rights topics

To disclose operational progress and the proportion of mitigation measures enforcement to the various stakeholder groups.

Scope of Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessment

       AOT assesses risk and human rights impact at AOT operation area covering 6 airports and its Head Office, AOT's value chain and business partner relations such as subsidiaries, joint venture companies, mergers or acquisitions of business. The human rights risks and impacts are identified covering these issues:

  • Forced labor
  • Child labor
  • Freedom of Association
  • Collective Bargaining
  • Equal remuneration
  • Discrimination and Harassment
  • Human trafficking
  • Other related issues

Including the classification of stakeholders (or rights holders) who may be affected as follows:

  • Officers and employees
  • Partners and contractors
  • Customers and passengers
  • Community and the environment

Including related vulnerable groups such as women, children, indigenous people, migrant labor, third-party contracted labor, LGBTQI+, people with disabilities, pregnant women and just to name a few.

The Results of Risks Assessment and Human Rights Impacts

The assessment was conducted at workplace under the Supervision of AOT

  • 100 percent of AOT's operational sites (6 airports and Head office) were assessed on human rights risks and impacts.
  • 100 percent of AOT's regulated workplaces were identified to be at high-risk for human rights issues.
  • 100 percent of AOT's regulated workplaces were identified to have human rights risks issue. The mitigation measures and remediation procedures have been established in case human rights violations occur.

Partners and Direct Contractors (Tier 1) of AOT

  • 100 percent of AOT's partners and direct contractors (Tier 1) have been assessed on human rights risks and impacts.
  • 20 percent of AOT's partners and direct contractors (Tier 1) were identified to have as having high-risk human rights issues.
  • 100 percent of AOT's partners and direct contractors (Tier 1) were identified to have human rights risk issues. The mitigation measures and remedial procedures were imposed in case human rights violations occur.

Human Rights Issues Found to be at High-Risk

Affected Groups

Risk Issues

Potential Risks

Preventive Measures

Customers and passengers

Health and safety of customers and passengers

Accidents inside and outside airside areas, all kinds of unlawful acts at the airports, and the spread of communicable diseases.

AOT strictly complied with national and international airport safety and security standards defined by ICAO and other rules related to AOT while simultaneously implementing the screening procedures and communicable prevention measures of COVID-19 at the airports.

Partners and contractors

Fair employment conditions of partners and contractors

Having longer working hours than prescribed by law, delayed payment of compensation and benefits inconsistent with the employment conditions or unfair.

AOT strictly specifies terms of compliance with labor laws in the procurement’s terms of reference and continual consistency checks through the job inspection processes. Moreover, AOT has disseminated and promoted the implementation of the sustainable practice guidelines of AOT’s partners.

Officers and Employees

Fair employment conditions of officers and employees

Having longer working hours than prescribed by laws, delayed payment of compensation and benefits inconsistent with the employment conditions or unfair.

AOT strictly complies with labor laws and establishes a code of conduct on accountability to AOT employees. AOT promotes concrete practices and provides hearing process of employees’ complaint /suggestion under appropriate complaint management system and remediation measures in case employee’s human rights violation occurs. Moreover, the work from home and time-lapse measures during the COVID-19 pandemic were applied.

Community and environment

Safety, health, and standard of living of communities surrounding the airports.

The impacts of noise and vibration from aircraft taking off and landing on the community including air pollution, such as dust and PM 2.5 from the construction projects that may affect the community’s health.

AOT complies with laws and all environmental regulations including reports on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) while paying for the noise impact compensation systematically. Besides, it also formulates the environmental management policy in airports and annually provides ear health and Audiometric Test programs for the communities surrounding the airports.

Identification of stakeholders who may be affected by each issue

Identification of stakeholders

Complaint Channel

AOT has provided complaints and comments submission channels on human rights to be accessible by every sector of stakeholders through a systematic process of complaints and comments management. It is to ensure that all issues received by AOT will be inspected and improved for better operations. This leads to the avoidance of human rights violations and the broader promotion of the human rights respect.

Complaint and Suggestion Channels on Human Rights Violations

Opinion and suggestion box installed at the Head office and the airport office in each of the 6 airports under supervision of AOT.


Letter addressed to AOT Board of Directors, President or Director of the Office of Audit

Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited, P.O. Box 3, Don Mueang Sub-Post Office, Bangkok 10211

in the section of “Contact and Whistleblower” or online chat channels


AOT Contact Center

Corporate Communication Department

See more details :

Management Evaluation

AOT assesses human rights risk management through internal audit processes and human rights risk monitoring as well as following up complaints to regularly report the results to the Corporate Governance Committee and senior management. In addition, AOT has scheduled regular reviews of policies and procedures on human rights to be in line with the potential human rights trend.

Last Updated: April, 20 2023