Human Resource Development

AOT’s operation relies heavily on knowledgeable and capable human resources. To attract and empower these employees to perform at their highest potential, the organization must ensure the management of favorable employment conditions, the assessment and motivation of employees based on merit without discrimination, and the promotion of a good quality of life. These issues are crucial and act as driving factors for AOT’s human resources management processes, which encompass personnel development, the attraction and retention of employees, adherence to fair labor practices, the provision of equitable compensation and benefits, and the respect for diversity. This ensures that AOT is a company that creates meaningful jobs and enriches the lives of its employees, thereby promoting human rights in terms of fair employment, equal treatment of labor, acceptance of diversity, and freedom of association for collective bargaining.

Management Approaches

AOT conducted the Human Resources Management and Development Master Plan (Fiscal year 2023-2027) Revised Edition and the annual action plan. The HR Master Plan includes strategies covering human resource development, attraction and motivation for knowledgeable employees, employee well-being and working conditions and the promotion of employee diversity.

Human Resource Development

Human resource development is a fundamental component of AOT's Corporate Plan (Fiscal Years 2023 - 2027), revised edition. The Human Resources Management Department is the primary unit responsible to operate activities according to the Human Resources Management and Development Master Plan for the fiscal years 2023 – 2027. The operation is divided into 3 main projects, which are

  • Core Values Project
  • Knowledge Management (KM) Project
  • Core Competency and Functional Competency Project
core value

Core Values Project

AOT instills corporate culture through its five core values: Service Minded, Safety & Security, Teamwork, Innovation, and Integrity. These values are promoted to employees at all levels, from top management to operational staff. Each level of employees plays a distinct role in upholding AOT's core values. The Core Value Encouragement Project is implemented in two formats: knowledge-sharing activities and workshops.


Knowledge-sharing activities

AOT Familiarization Project

A review of AOT Core Value for employees and provision of knowledge about desirable behaviors to new employees which are held every year.



Preparation of the 5-Year Core Values and Corporate Culture Implementation Plan (Fiscal Years 2020-2024)

AOT’s President gave participants an opportunity to express their opinions to develop the AOT Core Value Implementation Plan.

Values Direction Workshop

Level 10 Senior executives jointly analyzed the past performance and reviewed the appropriateness of the 5 Core Values to ensure alignment with the organization's direction and strategy.

Values in Action Workshop

Establish a connection between AOT's Core Values with the business direction and corporate strategy for Level 9 Executives (Change Leader) who holds the positions of Deputy General Managers of the airport and Vice President of each department.

Values-Based Communication Workshop

Level 8 Division directors at AOT engage in discussions regarding their operational practices to identify opportunities for improvements, subsequently presenting the outcomes of the workshop to senior management.

AOT's Core Value Influencer Networking Seminar

Build an understanding of roles and duties of the AOT’s “5 Jai” Core Value and establish a network among AOT Core Value Influencers.

Knowledge Management (KM) Project

Knowledge management

AOT implements the Knowledge Management (KM) System project in accordance with the knowledge management process and the way of transferring knowledge to innovation management process. This is to link knowledge management and process improvement with innovation for AOT’s employees to develop and share knowledge systematically and efficiently.

Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer Model to AOT Innovation Management Program

Knowledge Management Model

Parties responsible for the knowledge management system project include: AOT Knowledge and Innovation Management Committee, AOT Knowledge Management Working Group, Human Resource Development Department, and Corporate Culture Development and Knowledge Management Division.

โครงสร้างการบริหารจัดการความรู้ ทอท.
Knowledge Management Process
กระบวนการจัดการความรู้ ทอท.

AOT develops and operates a knowledge management system with a focus on engaging personnel at all levels. This includes establishing and nurturing Community of Practice (CoP) groups and KM Facilitators to facilitate the exchange and dissemination of knowledge both within and outside the organization. These efforts aim to gather knowledge into AOT's Knowledge Management System (KMS) to enhance and improve the organization's internal operational competitiveness.

Core Competency and Functional Competency of Employees

AOT develops personnel at all levels to be competent in the airport management, both operation and management functions, in accordance with air transport standards of domestic and international organizations such as the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).) and the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), etc. AOT will conduct core competency and functional competency assessments of its employees to identify key areas that need development on an individual level and to formulate human resource development plans efficiently. Human resource development projects according to the potential of employees are divided into 4 main groups:

  1. Airport Management Training
  2. General Management Training
  3. Functional & Operation Training
  4. Soft Skills Training

The Airport Management Training Program can also be classified into 4 groups, according to different objectives, namely:

Airport Operations: AO

Target Group:
Level 1 - 4 Employees

  • Promote awareness of the foundation of air transportation industry.
  • Empower necessary skills for airport operations.
  • Generate adaptive mindset to accommodate changing technologies.

Junior Airport Management (JAM)

Target Group:
Level 4 - 5 Employees

  • Promote awareness of the responsibilities of the entry-level management team.
  • Foster knowledge and experience sharing for practical applications.
  • Develop leadership and teamwork spirit.

Intermediate Airport Management (IAM)

Target Group:
Level 5 - 6 Employees

  • Cultivate ideas, visions, along with managerial skills for airport operations.
  • Obtain understanding on modern-day airport management.
  • Exchange knowledge and experience.
  • Enhance marketing competency.

Senior Airport
Management (SAM)

Target Group:
Level 5 - 6 Employees

  • Cultivate ideas, visions, along with managerial skills for airport operations.
  • Obtain understanding on modern-day airport management.
  • Exchange knowledge and experience.
  • Enhance marketing competency.

The airport management and airport operation programs: The programs aim to enhance employees’ understanding of the airport’s operation and develop their competencies of personnel working at the airport, from the basic to advanced level.  All AOT employees are required to join the training programs according to their level (100% FTE), at some point in their career journey. The programs cover Airport and Aviation Standards, Airport Security Standards, Basic Safety Management, Seminars and Workshops on Airport Contingency Plan Development, Basic Fire Fighting, Radiation Prevention and Safety in Working with Radiation, as well as General Knowledge and Management courses, such as Aviation Person Safety for Management level and Supervisory level, Occupation Health and Working Environment for employees.  The program is divided into 4 levels: (1) Airport Operation (AO), (2) Junior Airport Management (JAM), (3) Intermediate Airport Management (IAM), and (4) Senior Airport Management (SAM).

These programs ensure that employees possess the skills and knowledge for airport operation and management aligning with related air transportation standards, such as standards of the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These also help employees develop leadership, teamwork as well as marketing and strategic planning skills at the higher levels. Also, the programs benefit businesses in terms of more practical health and safety performances as well as more effective operation of the airport, resulting from fewer incidents that can cause operational delays or disruption, which allows the company to provide satisfactory services for customers and continuously generate revenue effectively. The following are example of our training programs.

has context menu


1)   AOT Familiarization

This project is designed to prepare new employees to gain knowledge and a good attitude towards the organization, providing essential information such as basic knowledge about AOT and aviation, AOT Core values and corporate culture along with welfare and benefits, etc. Ultimately, the project aims to strengthen the organizational values and culture, contributing to long-term sustainability.


  1. Provide new AOT employees with a comprehensive understanding of basic aviation knowledge.
  2. Cultivate a strong sense of teamwork and collaboration among new AOT employees, emphasizing effective communication. To achieve organizational goals.
  3. Instill in new AOT employees the company's values, culture, and mission to contribute to a sustainable organization.
  4. Encouraging AOT new employees to have a good attitude and gratitude towards the organization, as long as instilling a sense of excellent service and enhancing the potential of new employees.


Theorical part

  1. Fundamental knowledge of AOT’s business
  2. Fundamental knowledge of Aviation industry.
  3. Fundamental knowledge of Business and Marketing.
  4. Code of Business Conduct
  5. Anti-Corruption
  6. Business Continuity and Internal Audit
  7. Business Continuity and Internal Audit
  8. Welfare and benefits
  9. Fundamental knowledge of Information technology
  10. AOT’s Core values
  11. Testing through E-Learning system

Practical part

  1. CEO greets new employees
  2. Disciplinary process
  3. Welfare and benefits
  4. Benefits of AOT Saving and Credit Cooperatives Limited member.
  5. AOT’s employee rules and compliances
  6. Team building activities
  7. Group presentation to top management


Participants gain the necessary knowledge, work understanding, and fundamental aviation expertise, as well as an understanding of organizational culture, to contribute to the organization's sustainability. They are also informed of a clear understanding of AOT's roles, responsibilities, vision and mission. Leading to the achievement of AOT's business goals. Additionally, it enables effective collaboration with relevant external entities, ultimately benefiting AOT.

2) Airport Management Training

Junior Airport Management



  1. To provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage and operate airports
  2. To provide participants with the knowledge and understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and duties of Junior Airport Management, enabling them to apply their acquired knowledge and skills to solve problems in their work.
  3. To provide participants with the knowledge and understanding of teamwork. developing leadership personality.
  4. To provide participants with the opportunity to share expertise along with enhancing quality of service, work readiness and ability to adapt in a dynamic environment.


Theorical part

  1. Fundamental knowledge of Civil Aviation Organization
  2. Airline Operations Management System
  3. Air Cargo System
  4. Air Traffic Control
  5. Laws Related to Aviation and Airports
  6. Airport Security Management
  7. Intermediate Knowledge of Innovation
  8. Airport Financial and Accounting System
  9. Airport Risk Management
  10. Airport Marketing
  11. Compliance & Anti - Corruption Plus
  12. Public Procurement and Inventory Management (step II)
  13. AOT’s Core Values
  14. Airside Management


The training program covers a variety of topics, tailored to the specific needs of the participants.

(The provided example: "The workshop topic for JAM 49 is Airport Service Quality development.")


  • Participants gain knowledge and understanding of airport management and operations and are able to apply their acquired knowledge to their work.
  • Participants gain knowledge and understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and duties of Junior Airport Management, enabling them to apply their acquired knowledge and skills to solve problems in their work.
  • Participants gain knowledge and understanding of teamwork. developing leadership personality.
  • Participants have an opportunity to share their expertise along with being prepared to work and having the ability to adapt in a dynamic environment.

Intermediate Airport Management



  1. To provide participants with the concepts and vision of airport management and operations.
  2. To provide participants with knowledge and understanding of airport management and operations systems.
  3. To provide participants with knowledge and understanding of management techniques and modern management.
  4. To provide participants with an opportunity to share their expertise along with enhancing their ability to work in airport marketing operation.


Theorical part

  1. AOT Core Values Team building
  2. General Aviation Management
  3. Introduction to Private Airline Management
  4. Air Transport Economics
  5. Ramp Services
  6. Airport Development Plan
  7. Airport Emergency Plan
  8. Airport Marketing Management
  9. Airport Environmental Management


10. Safety Management System

11. Passenger Terminal Management

12. Risk management

13. Compliance & Anti - Corruption Extra

14. Fundamentals of Airport Slots

15. Creation and Uses of Airport Operations Manuals

16. Service Marketing

17. Human Insights

18. B2B and B2C Target Audience Analysis


The training program covers a variety of topics, tailored to the specific needs of the participants.

(The provided example: "The workshop topic for IAM 42 is Building AOT spirit brand.")


  • Participants gain knowledge and understanding of concepts and vision of airport management and operations.
  • Participants gain knowledge and understanding of airport management and operations systems.
  • Participants gain knowledge and understanding of management techniques and modern management.
  • Participants have an opportunity to share their expertise along with enhancing their ability to work in airport marketing operation.

Other Training Programs

AOT provides human resource development courses and programs for specific expertise of each line of work, such as airport operations, management, general knowledge, Business Continuity Management System (ISO 22301:2019), executive competency development, good corporate governance, overseas training program, competent executive development, and aviation personnel development course in collaboration with the Civil Aviation Training Center (CATC) which may be adjusted each year according to the needs of each line of work, etc.

Course training project “Improving the potential of workers at the Touch Point” for fiscal year 2023

In 2023, Airports of Thailand Public Co., Ltd. (AOT) initiated a personnel development program aimed at enhancing the potential of outstanding employees. This program includes the "Operational Staff Potential Development at Touch Points Training Course" for the fiscal year 2023, designed to elevate the quality of service at all airports. The training starts with mindset adjustments from within, fostering a service mind through the development of empathetic skills, understanding the diverse cultures of international passengers, training to handle pressure situations, and communication psychology in service delivery. This aims to improve and enhance the efficiency of AOT staff and employees for maximum benefit.

The training program will include 152 AOT employees, with 37 observers from the Airport Security Company Limited (ASC). The training format comprises both e-Learning and practical seminars, divided into four sessions as follows:

Generation 1:   Number of 47 people

Between 20 - 22 March 2023

Generation 2:   Number of 48 people

Between 3 - 5 April 2023

Generation 3:   Number of 49 people

Between 24 - 26 April 2023

Generation 4:   Number of 45 people

Between 29 - 31 May 2023

Benefits (Employee)

  • Trainees develop knowledge and are able to apply this knowledge in actual work. Accounting for 80 percent of the trainees
  • Trainees benefit from the training. Accounting for 87 percent of the trainees.

Benefits (Corporate)

  • Satisfaction of passengers who came to use the service at Touch Point increased by 83.40 percent.
  • Number of complaints from passengers using Suvarnabhumi Airport and Don Mueang Airport are likely to decrease.

Management Evaluation

AOT assigns the Talent Development Division of Executive Development Department, to monitor the results of personnel development continuously in order to be the direction for properly setting up training programs and competency development projects, and to review and develop Human Resource Management and Development Master Plan in the future. AOT monitors personnel development investments in the following areas: training budgets, number of courses or projects, average training hours per person per year, the average cost of training per person per year, follow-up on the investment achievement based on Human Capital Return on Investment (HCROI) and the internal rotation rate of employees. These performance results are reported publicly in the Sustainable Development Report annually.

Talent Attraction and Employees Motivation

Realizing the importance of having competent personnel to support the corporate growth, AOT therefore has collaborated with the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) in developing a curriculum to nurture potential personnel in educational institutions, along with providing welfare and fringe benefits and good working conditions. to attract potential employees to work with the organization in the long term. AOT evaluates the attracting result of personnel through each related issue such as personnel recruitment rate, personnel turnover rate (in overall and voluntary), rate of returning to work of personnel after maternity leave, etc. Also, AOT discloses the operating results in the Sustainable. Development Report annually.

Career Progression

AOT has created incentives by giving employees the opportunity to be promoted in their fields according to their skill levels.
All AOT employees are regularly got individual assessments from their superiors every year, including management by objectives, formal comparative ranking, and multidimensional evaluation. The main aim is to adjust job positions and set guidelines for competency development.

  • Management by objectives
  • Formal Comparative Ranking
  • Core Competency) and Multidimensional performance appraisal

Outstanding Employee Awards Ceremony

Every year, AOT selected and awarded outstanding employees in the organization based on empirical performances, wide recognition, and employee dedication adhering to AOT's core values. AOT Outstanding Employee Awards are divided into 4 categories:

  1. Outstanding Employees
  2. Specially Recognized Employees
  3. AOT Outstanding Sections or Divisions
  4. Outstanding Airports.

Personnel Data Analysis

AOT statistically analyzed personnel data to find ways to attract and retain talented employees. Statistical tools were applied to assess personnel performance, plan manpower rates for achieving organizational goals, identify ways to develop personnel, hire new employees, analyze factors that cause employee resignation, and research remuneration and benefits of comparable companies.

Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Survey

AOT conducts a regular survey of engagement and satisfaction among all employees, including full-time employees and contractors. This evaluation covers 12 factors, such as the image and reputation of the organization, organizational stability, job characteristics, and more. The survey results are categorized by age, gender, and position level to inform the development of future guidelines.

Workplace Condition and Employee Wellbeing


AOT gives precedence to the well-being and working environment of employees, as the Welfare and Labor Relations Department and the Medical Department are tasked with the implementation of medical and welfare benefits policies for AOT staff and employees to promote inclusiveness among all by providing fringe benefits. and medical services for better quality of life. AOT reviews its performance on such policies through the use of employee satisfaction survey. The findings are then implemented to revise and improve various welfare benefits addressed to the needs of employees, hence improving employees satisfaction.

See more detail

Medical Benefits for Permanent and Temporary AOT Employees

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Follow medical and health regulations as well as requirements and international medical standards

นโยบายด้านการแพทย์และสวัสดิการสําหรับพนักงานและลูกจ้าง ทอท.

Perform risk management on medical services and define measurements as well as key indicators.

นโยบายด้านการแพทย์และสวัสดิการสําหรับพนักงานและลูกจ้าง ทอท.

Standardize medical service efficiency and disease prevention for AOT permanent/temporary employees together with their families.

นโยบายด้านการแพทย์และสวัสดิการสําหรับพนักงานและลูกจ้าง ทอท.

Develop a fringe benefit management system for AOT permanent / temporary employees.

นโยบายด้านการแพทย์และสวัสดิการสําหรับพนักงานและลูกจ้าง ทอท.

Develop quality of life and work-life balance of AOT permanent/temporary employees together with their families.

นโยบายด้านการแพทย์และสวัสดิการสําหรับพนักงานและลูกจ้าง ทอท.

Encourage and support fringe benefit management for AOT permanent/temporary employees.


Equip medical personnel with knowledge, skill, and team spirit, promoting principles, morals, and occupational ethics

Employee well-being program

  • Medical benefits
  • Annual medical check-up for AOT permanent/temporary employees
  • Airport clinics, providing preliminary health check for AOT permanent/temporary employees and their family members.
  • Seasonal influenza vaccination
  • Scholarship grants for children of AOT permanent/temporary employees
  • Sightseeing activities and youth camps during school holidays
  • Mother’s rooms for employees inside the airport buildings
  • Retirement preparation for employees aged 60 years old. 

Project to promote the well-being of employees

This seminar provides knowledge on various topics related to physical health, mental health, and financial matters that retirees should know and be interested in. It includes a Q&A session with knowledgeable and expert speakers. The lecture topics include:

  • Financial benefits for retirees
  • Financial planning for peace of mind in retirement
  • Health care in retirement
  • Preparing for happiness in retirement through the use of technology

AOT employees and temporary employees can express their opinions and complaints on work problems including various welfares through union representatives of each airport. The representatives of the union present the problems through the AOT Labor Relations Committee which consists of the chairman who is an outsider, 9 representatives of the employer, and 9 representatives from the AOT state enterprise labor union. The Committee is responsible for considering an improvement and solving problems in the process of labor relations between employers and employees, leading to the enhancement of employee’s engagement.

AOT Employees and Staff Quality of Life Enhancement Program with Appropriate Welfare and Benefits

The Transport Organization of Thailand (TOT) is implementing a project to enhance the quality of life for its employees through appropriate welfare and benefits. This involves actively engaging with the Airports Council International (ACI) to discuss and promote airport standards related to service, economy, environment, and safety. TOT is conducting surveys to gather feedback on the current welfare received by employees, considering the diverse age groups. The results of these surveys will guide improvements and ensure that welfare provisions are suitable. Key findings and resolved issues will be disclosed in an annual sustainable development report. Currently, TOT’s employee welfare includes healthcare coverage, child education allowances, funeral assistance, employee uniforms, travel allowances, reserve funds, pension support, employee transportation services, staff housing, and access to external financial institutions for additional welfare options. Other enhancements include Freestyle Day dress codes, recreational rooms, and additional welfare benefits.

Diversity and Inclusion

AOT respects the diversity and equality of employees regardless of gender, belief, religion, physical differences. AOT pays attention to those concerns and states in AOT's Good Corporate Governance Handbook (section of AOT Code of Conduct), including the Labor Protection Act B.E. 2008 (2008) Section 8. Moreover, AOT imposed penalties in accordance with the requirements of disciplinary action and punishment for offenders for all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. In addition, AOT have established channels of complaints of discrimination and harassment with a systematic complaints management process which has been informed continuously and comprehensively within the organization.
In this regard, AOT requires employee diversity assessment through issues such as ratio of employee gender in each level and line of work, compensation difference ratio between genders, the returning and retention rate of employees after maternity leave, as well as the number of confirmed cases. of discrimination complaints. AOT disclosed all details in the Sustainable Development Report every year.

Last updated: May, 14 2024