Good Corporate Governance

News and Activities

Sister Airport Agreement Signing Ceremony between Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited and Liege Airport S.A.

[:en]                [:th] [:]

AOT Signs Sister Airport Agreement with Liege Airport S.A.

[:en]     On 30 January 2018, Airports of Thailand Public Company…

Groupe Aeroport de Paris delegates visited BKK

Groupe Aéroport de Paris delegates visited Suvarnabhumi Airport to attend a meeting with…

Delegation of Kansai Productivity Center (KPC) visited Suvarnabhumi Airport

[:en]  On 22 January 2018, Kansai Productivity Center (KPC) sent…

ทอท. ได้เข้าร่วมการประชุม 59th Meeting of the ACI World Governing Board

เมื่อวันที่ 1 เม.ย.62 นางสาวศศิศุภา สุคนธทรัพย์ รญศ. เข้าร่วมการประชุม ACI World Governing…

AOT and AeroThai organized Aviation Administration and Financial Management Training Course for Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

[:en]  Office of Foreign Affairs together with AOT academy and…

AOT Executive participated as a panelist at 13th ACI Asia Pacific Regional Assembly, Conference and Exhibition

[:en] On Wednesday 25th April 2018, Ms. Sasisubha Sukontasap, Senior…

AOT’s airports were certified at level 3 of Airport Carbon Accreditation Program

[:en]On Tuesday 24th April 2018, Ms. Sasisubha Sukontasap, Senior Executive…

AOT Executive is appointed as ACI World Governing Board

[:en]On Tuesday 24th April 2018, Ms. Sasisubha Sukontasap, Senior Executive…

AOT Executive attended ACI World Business Partner Meeting

[:en]   On Monday 23rd April 2018, Ms. Sasisubha Sukontasap,…