Business Performance
1 Dividend payment for the business performance in 2020 will be considered in January 2021
2 Investment in social activities is inclusive of cash donation and value of goods used in social activities.
3 Out of 5 points; Information in Fiscal Year 2017-2019 are averaged from Quarter 1-3 while information is in Fiscal Year 2020 is for Quarter 2 only due to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
4 Displaying only top five categories. Number of complaints in Fiscal Year 2020 is up to the first quarter only, as AOT has modified the categories of complaints raised according to TouchPoint and the result will be disclosed in the subsequent year.
Regulation and Business Ethics Compliance
AOT collected and stored any personal data in accordance with terms of service and/or customer consent and is done only for the purposes notified to customers with no utilization beyond purposes accepted/consented by the customer.
Airport Fundamental Information
Number of passengers
Number of flights by type and duration
AOT aviation information system does not cover flight time for government flights. Flight information data is obtained from Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Limited.
Number of cargos and postal parcels
Number of airlines operating in each airport
1 Some airlines are operating both international and domestic routes.
Number of direct connections in each airport
1 Destinations might be duplicated in several airports, information displayed are for scheduled flights with more than 10 flights only Pacific Islands are islands in the Oceania Continent
Characteristic of each airport
Last Updated: June,7 2022